Dead island 2 - GAMINGDOME
Dead island 2

Dead Island 2

Dead island 2 is coming for real?!

Dead island 2

It looks like this time it isn’t a joke. Dead Island 2 is coming out the 3rd Februry 2023. Stated Deep silver and Dam Buster developer studio at the gamescon Live.

Firstly, a game cinematic was provided. Showing the gameplay and from what we saw, it’s definitely something to look up to. Several outlets revealed other details about the game .
The game takes place in LA; Beverly Hills,Venice Beach, and other recognizable places are in the game, along with new ones. making it a non-open world game, confirmed by Polygon in an interview. When speaking to the director David Stenton. All things considered. He stated that LA will be divided into several districts, each one of them having their own missions and quests. The more you play the game, the more content you unlock in these districts. henceforth, finishing the story becomes a necessity for players to reach the end of the game and explore all of the city. However, you can go back to districts you’ve previously unlocked for more fun and time-wasting.

Moving on to characters in dead island 2. Dambuster Studios confirmed six playable characters in this game, including Amy and Jacob, the black guy from the teaser/cinematic. Other than that, we don’t have much information about other members.
The game will also feature a 3-player co-op, so look out for that.

Moving on to combat Players can throw items and fight melee with katanas, hammers, axes, and more. balanced with a stamina system to make it more fun and fair for the zombies.
What about Zombies? If you think you’re going to be killing regular zombies all game long, you’re wrong. Unique zombies exist in each district of LA and each one of them has different abilities like improved speed or resistance, etc.
And in case you didn’t know, all 6 characters in Dead Island are already infected, which explains why Jacob checks his eyes at the mirror in the trailer. They’re immune to the virus, only using its mutations that take the form of a fury mode described as an ultimate attack/move to fight zombies barehanded.
For more details check this video out.
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