BattleGrounds Mobile India: Indian Govt Lifts Ban (Limited)

BattleGrounds Mobile India: Indian Govt Lifts Ban (Limited)

KRAFTON’s Efforts Paying Off: Indian Government Agrees to Lift Ban on BGMI for Limited Time

After facing a lot of challenges due to the ban of BGMI (BattleGrounds Mobile India) in India, KRAFTON had been working tirelessly to get it unbanned. They even announced their intention to bring back the game in 2023. Finally, there is some positive news as the Indian Government has reportedly agreed to lift the ban on BGMI for a limited time.

Conditions Set by Indian Government for Lifting the Ban on BGMI

KRAFTON recently had a meeting with the Indian Government to discuss the uplifting of the ban on the game. The government gave the green signal to remove the ban, but with a few conditions. BGMI will undergo a few changes to comply with the rules of the Indian Government.

One of the main conditions is to have a “no blood” gameplay, which the company agreed to. They informed the government officials that they will remove all blood in the game and replace it with a different color. The company also requested bringing relevant changes to the server concerning game addiction.

Can KRAFTON revive BGMI in India amidst China data-sharing concerns?

image via krafton

BGMI was one of KRAFTON’s major sources of revenue, and their Q4 revenue report showed that they had struggled since the ban in India. The company had to revive BGMI as soon as possible, and the time might be nearing soon.

However, it remains unclear whether the main cause of the ban still exists. BGMI (BattleGrounds Mobile India) was banned because of concerns about data sharing and mining in China. Therefore, we still need to understand whether the communication is still with China on the player details.

Although the dates of the comeback are still not clear, this news has brought a lot of joy to the fans of the game. They can now hope to see their favorite title back on their mobile screens soon. What do you think about the lifting of the ban on BGMI for a limited time? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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