Stalwart Esports Crowned PUBG Mobile Pro League Champions

Stalwart Esports Crowned PUBG Mobile Pro League Champions

Stalwart Esports Crowned PUBG Mobile Pro League Champions

PUBG Mobile PMPL South Asia Spring 2023: Stalwart Esports and their Run for Champions

South Asian powerhouse Stalwart Esports has emerged as the back-to-back champions of PUBG Mobile Pro League (PMPL) South Asia Spring 2023, after almost a month of intense competition. The team secured a total of 209 points in the Finals and will take home $9,500 USD as the champions, while NB Esports, the first runners-up, will receive $6,500 USD for their position in the tournament.

The Journey to the Top

Stalwart Esports proved to be a strong contender throughout the tournament. They displayed an exceptional performance during the league stage and claimed the #2 spot, just behind 4Merical Vibes. However, the playoffs stage proved to be a challenge for Stalwart Esports as they failed to secure a good position point in the first two days of the tournament, but their kill points covered up for the loss.

On the final day of the tournament, Stalwart Esports delivered an outstanding performance. They claimed two chicken dinners with a massive chunk of kill points, which helped them climb to the top of the charts and secure their position as champions of PMPL South Asia Spring 2023.

image via stalwartesports

Mongolian Teams Dominate the Tournament

PMPL South Asia Spring 2023 witnessed a fierce competition among all Mongolian teams, with the first and second runners-up spots occupied by two Mongolian teams, NB Esports and 4Merical Vibes, respectively. Both teams displayed consistent performance throughout the tournament, and the Mongolian teams fought hard for the top position.

Final Standings and Prize Pool Distribution

Apart from the top three teams, Skylightz Gaming, DRS GAMING, Mabetex Esports, and Trained to Kill, among others, also competed fiercely in the tournament. The final standings and prize pool distribution are as follows:

1stStalwart Esports$9,500
2ndNB Esports$6,500
3rd4Merical Vibes$5,500
4thSkylightz Gaming$5,000
5thDRS GAMING$4,500
6thMabetex Esports$4,500
7thTrained to Kill$4,250
8thIHC ESPORTS$4,250
9thiLLUMiN8 Crew$4,000
10thLeo Esports$3,750
11thHigh Voltage$3,500
12thRAW Esports$3,500
13thSITM E-Sports$3,250
14th4MericaL TRZ$3,000
15thSEAL Esports$3,000
16thDeadeyes Guys$3,000
17thAbrupt Slayers$2,000
18thVenom Deadeyes$2,000
20thBad Intention X CMF Esports$2,000

What’s Next for Stalwart Esports and PUBG Mobile Esports in South Asia?

After winning back-to-back championships, Stalwart Esports has proven to be one of the best PUBG Mobile teams in South Asia. The team’s performance was phenomenal, and they showed their dominance throughout the tournament. The team’s coordination, strategy, and skill sets were outstanding and gave them an edge over their competitors.

Looking at the future of Stalwart Esports, the team has set a high benchmark for themselves. They will be preparing for the next season, and they will have to be on top of their game if they want to continue their winning streak. They will be analyzing their gameplay, learning from their mistakes, and will be working hard to further improve their skills.

Image via Krafton

As for the future of PUBG Mobile esports in South Asia, the scene is getting bigger and better with each passing day. The community is growing, and more players are joining the game, making it even more competitive. The tournaments are becoming more exciting, and the prize pools are increasing, making it more lucrative for the players to participate.

PUBG Mobile’s developers are also making efforts to improve the game’s competitive scene. They are introducing new features, maps, and game modes, which will make the game more interesting and challenging for the players.


Stalwart Esports has won the PUBG Mobile Pro League (PMPL) South Asia Spring 2023, making it their second consecutive championship. The team showed exceptional gameplay, strategy, and skill sets, which gave them an edge over their competitors. The Mongolian teams also gave a tough fight, and the tournament saw some intense battles.

Stalwart Esports has set a high benchmark for themselves, and they will be preparing hard for the next season. PUBG Mobile esports in South Asia is growing, and the community is getting bigger and more competitive. The game’s developers are also making efforts to improve the game’s competitive scene.

All in all, PUBG Mobile esports in South Asia is an exciting and growing scene, and Stalwart Esports has shown that they are a force to be reckoned with. We can expect to see more thrilling tournaments and fierce battles in the future, and the future looks bright for PUBG Mobile esports in South Asia.

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