Clash Royale Card Gold Cost Slashed: Big Savings for Players

Clash Royale Card Gold Cost Slashed: Big Savings for Players

Clash Royale Card Gold Cost Slashed: Big Savings for Players

Starting Thursday, September 7, Clash Royale players can anticipate a significant slash in the card gold cost


Starting Thursday, September 7, Clash Royale players can anticipate a significant slash in the card gold cost since the development team has announced that the prices to purchase are reduced for the cards. These adjustments will come into effect following a maintenance break, resulting in more affordable card upgrades for players. In this article, we will delve into the details of these cost-slashed pricing changes and their impact on the game.

Cheaper Legendary Cards in the Clash Royale Shop

Rare cards have undergone a substantial 50% reduction, bringing their new cost down to 50 gold. Similarly, Epic cards, which used to set players back 1000 gold, have experienced a significant 80% decrease, now available for a mere 200 gold.

Image via Supercell

Standardization of Gold Cost

Common cards will remain unaffected by these changes and will continue to have a consistent value of 10 gold. These updated card values will also introduce a standardization of the Gold cost associated with Elite Wild Cards.

Previously, when purchasing a Level 14 card in the shop, it was transformed directly into Elite Wild Cards, but the Gold cost for this conversion varied depending on the card’s rarity. With the upcoming changes, any Elite Wild Card obtained through conversion will have a fixed cost of 10 gold, regardless of the rarity of the card being converted.

Image via Supercell

Donation and Trade Card Gold Values Adjustments

Donation and trade values of gold are also adjusted with this update. When players donate rare cards, they will now receive 25 Gold in addition to gaining 10 XP and 10 Star Points. Similarly, donating epic cards will yield 100 Gold, alongside 10 XP and 10 Star Points.

Clash Royale Currency for Card Trades at Level 14

For card trades at Level 14, the cost structure is as follows:

  • Rare Cards: 25 Gold
  • Epic Cards: 100 Gold
  • Legendary Cards: 7500 Gold

Pros and Cons of the Changes

Although these changes are supposed to be healthy for the game, there are a few downsides to consider. In order to maintain a balanced distribution of Elite Wild Cards available for purchase directly from the Shop, there will be a decrease in the frequency with which Legendary cards appear in the Shop.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When will these changes take effect?

A: The changes will take effect starting Thursday, September 7, following a maintenance break.

Q: How will these changes affect my current card collection?

A: Your current card collection will be adjusted according to the new gold costs for each card rarity.

Q: Will this make it easier to upgrade my cards?

A: Yes, with reduced gold costs, it will be more affordable to upgrade your cards in Clash Royale.


In conclusion, Clash Royale players can anticipate more affordable card upgrades with the approaching alterations in primrose costs. disorderly and Epic cards will become remarkably cheaper, transforming it into easier for players to level up their decks. whereas there are a handful trade-offs, as an example the reduced frequency of Legendary cards in the Shop, these alterations are view to promoting the general gaming encounter. remain tuned for further updates from Clash Royale, and appreciate the cost-slashed pricing!

For visual game play and more details check out this video
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