Bandai Namco Tales of Asteria Ending Service After 9 Years

Bandai Namco Tales of Asteria Ending Service After 9 Years

Bandai Namco Tales of Asteria Ending Service After 9 Years

Bandai Namco Tales of Asteria Ending Service After 9 Years

Bandai Namco Announces Shutdown of Tales of Asteria After 9 Years of Service

Bandai Namco has announced that after nine years of operation, the service of Tales of Asteria, their action RPG title, will come to an end on May 18, 2023. While the reason for the shutdown has not been disclosed, the makers of the game will run a series of campaigns before its official closure.

Tales of Asteria gained immense popularity soon after its release in April 2014, thanks to the inclusion of over 200 characters from the Tales series and a new story from the Namco Tales Studio. The game also features cooperative battles where players can team up with guildmates to take on more powerful enemies.

On March 16, 2023, the makers of Tales of Asteria announced that the game’s service schedule will end soon. However, they will hold events until the official shutdown in May, including login bonuses, character reappearances, and various campaigns to help players develop their characters. Additionally, Bandai Namco Game Music will release Tales of Asteria’s BGM in March, with 80 songs available, including 21 previously unreleased tracks.

Saying goodbye to a long-running game like Tales of Asteria is never easy. However, we can make the most of the remaining time by enjoying the campaigns and listening to the BGM. As we bid farewell, we look forward to any upcoming games that can fill the void left by Tales of Asteria

For visual gameplay and more details checkout this video
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