App Store Policies Dispute: Apple vs. Epic Games Saga

App Store Policies Dispute: Apple vs. Epic Games Saga

App Store Policies Dispute: Apple vs. Epic Games Saga

Apple vs. Epic Games: The Ongoing Saga


The legal battle between Apple and Epic Games has been ongoing for several years now, and it shows no signs of letting up. The two companies are locked in a dispute over Apple’s App Store policies, which Epic Games argues are anti-competitive.

The Case

In 2020, Epic Games circumvented Apple’s payment system in Fortnite, a popular video game, in order to avoid paying Apple a 30% commission on in-app purchases. Apple responded by removing Fortnite from the App Store, and Epic Games sued Apple for antitrust violations.

The case went to trial in 2021, and the judge ruled in favor of Apple on most of the counts. However, the judge also ruled that Apple’s anti-steering policy, which prohibits developers from directing users to third-party payment options, was anti-competitive.

Apple’s Appeal

Apple appealed the ruling, and in April 2023, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ruling on the anti-steering policy. However, the appeals court also ruled that Apple was not a monopoly in the mobile app market.

Image via Apple

Apple is not satisfied with the appeals court ruling, and it has decided to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. In a court filing on June 3, 2023, Apple argued that the appeals court “erred in its interpretation of antitrust law” and that the anti-steering policy is “necessary to protect consumers.”

The Implications of the Case

The case between Apple and Epic Games has implications for both companies and for the broader mobile app market. For Apple, the case is a test of its power in the mobile app market. If the Supreme Court rules against Apple, it could force the company to make changes to the App Store that would benefit developers.

For Epic Games, the case is a chance to challenge Apple’s monopoly power and to open up the App Store to more competition. If Epic Games is successful, it could lead to lower prices for consumers and more choices for developers.

The case is also significant for the broader mobile app market. If the Supreme Court rules against Apple, it could set a precedent that would make it easier for developers to challenge the power of app stores. This could lead to a more competitive mobile app market, which would benefit consumers.


The legal battle between Apple and Epic Games is far from over. The case is now in the hands of the Supreme Court, and it is unclear how the court will rule. However, the case has already had a significant impact on the mobile app market, and it could have a lasting impact on the future of the industry.

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