Contra Tournament Enters Early Access for Android.

Contra Tournament Enters Early Access for Android.


Contra Tournament Enters Early Access for Android.

Contra: Tournament from Eggtart – A Battle Royale Spin on Classic Side Scroller

Contra: Tournament, the latest offering from developer Eggtart, is a thrilling homage to the classic side scroller game that has been around for three decades. With an upgraded high-tech battlefield, players can experience classic stage scenes in a new and exciting way. This article explores the features of the game and what players can expect.

Contra: Tournament from Eggtart
Image via Eggtart

About Contra: Tournament

Contra: Tournament is Eggtart’s second game release, following the successful launch of Zombiflux: Sleepless War, an action strategy game. Contra: Tournament takes the legacy of the classic side scroller game and adds a battle royale spin to it. Early access for Android is currently available only in the Philippines.


In Contra: Tournament, players can choose their heroes and form groups of four to carry out space missions. The game offers a variety of futuristic weapons that can be enhanced with attachments, making the action even more exciting. Players can loot authentic Contra firearms such as the Spread Gun, Laser Gun, and more.

To progress through the game, players must slay iconic stage bosses to collect special supplies. The combat is intense and players must optimize their hero’s abilities and divide team roles to increase their chances of winning.


Players can choose from a range of top characters, including Bill Rizer, Lance Bean, and other brothers in arms. Each character has their unique abilities and skills, and players can optimize them according to their gameplay style.


Contra: Tournament offers a range of futuristic weapons that players can use to take on the enemy. Players can switch between weapons and enhance them with attachments. The game also features authentic Contra firearms, including the Spread Gun, Laser Gun, and more.


The game features iconic stage bosses that players must defeat to progress through the game. Defeating bosses also yields special supplies that players can use to upgrade their weapons and abilities.

Team Roles

To increase their chances of winning, players must divide team roles and optimize their hero’s abilities. Players can choose from a range of roles, including attack, defense, and support.

Lethal Blow

In Contra: Tournament, players can turn the tables with a lethal blow and write their own chapter in history. This feature adds an extra level of excitement to the gameplay.


Contra: Tournament is currently available for early access on Android platforms in the Philippines only. The release date for iOS platforms or the global release date is not known yet.


Contra: Tournament from Eggtart is a thrilling homage to the classic side scroller game. With an upgraded high-tech battlefield and battle royale spin, the game offers exciting gameplay and a range of features that will keep players engaged. If you’re a fan of the classic game, Contra: Tournament is definitely worth checking out.

For visual gameplay and more details checkout this video
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